When I'm feeling low, uninspired, and wanting to escape, there's nothing better than indulging myself in books. I grew up reading Donald Duck comics and my first real novel was Harry Potter. I wouldn't consider myself a big "bookworm", but when I'm obsessed with a book, I wouldn't be able to put it down. Since I started writing poetry, I never knew it would give such a huge effect on my soul.
This post is dedicated to my current poetry favourites, featuring Rupi Kaur and Courtney Peppernell. Adding too many poetry books to my wish-list has become my addiction. If you're also a poetry lover, check out these talented writers online; Lang Leav, Talesofmaya_, Mariamjpoetry, Chloe Frayne, and Blake Auden.
From top-bottom, left-right:
Image 1-4 Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell,
5-8 die blüten der sonne (eng.vers. "the sun and her flowers") by Rupi Kaur,
9 milk & honey by Rupi Kaur